sāgata (C) / svāgata (SEA) …

DN I para. 410 (Poṭṭhapāda-sutta)
and at least other 16 places in DN and SN

Pending – This is a 50/50 reading in manuscripts. C+Ee read sāgata while SEA read svāgata. In the ITAP, the selected readings are inconsistant. Some place with sāgata, other place with svāgata.

Tentatively, sāgata should be preferable according to the policies that we prefer more MIA form and follow a consistant C reading.


  • According to Dr. Yamanaka (Feb 2021), Noteworthy is that the ‘sandhi’-form “yvā” < yo a, yvā < yo
    a seldom occurs, but, as above, Buddhaghosa registers this sandhi in his
    commentary. This could be very older reading, although the initial
    “yv-” looks like “not-Pali.” And thus we should be careful
    to discuss sāgata /svāgata problem. We do not have enough evidence to decide
    which one is older. Regarding sāgata /svāgata problem, we either follow the
    major reading or Sinhalese tradition, if we do not have any other convincing
    evidence or reason.

    yvāyaṃ akkhāto brāhmaṇena (Sv (Ee) II 400,14)

    yvāyan ti yo ayaṃ (=Be)
  • Ven. Rathanathissa (Feb 2021) pointed out that all manuscripts and printed editons read ‘svāgata’ in SN I para. 175. On the top of that, all editions of the commentary also support ‘svāgata.’

Cr. Dr. Yamanaka, Ven. Rathanathissa

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